Quantumwise software
Quantumwise software

  1. #Quantumwise software archive
  2. #Quantumwise software free

  • Web of Science by ISI generates the impact factors (see journals below).
  • Spin AIP Scitation searches related journals.
  • Rubber Bible Online is a physical chemistry handbook which contains tables of physical and chemical data.
  • #Quantumwise software archive

  • PROLA - the Physical Review Online Archive searches Physical Review journals.
  • Knovel - Online Handbook Collection and Database is an extensive collection of handbooks and tables.
  • This is the database behind the compilation of the journal citation factors. It also has very useful tools such as 'find related papers' that searches for papers sharing the same references as the entry you're looking at.
  • ISI - Web of Science Database contains peer reviewed journals, their references and citations.
  • ICON Virtual Journal of Nanotechnology Environment, Health and Safety (VJ-NanoEHS) compiles papers in peer-reviewed journals that address EHS issues in nanotechnology.
  • #Quantumwise software free

    Apart from the free search engines and useful tools such as Google scholar and Google Desktop, there are several more dedicated commercial services: There are many ways to find information in scientific literature and some that even specialize in nanotechnology.

  • NanoEd Resource Portal managed by the National Center for Learning and Teaching in Nanoscale Science and Engineering (NCLT).
  • Scientific American Nanotechnology Page.
  • Google Directory - Nanotechnology (sourced from the Open Directory Project).
  • Virtual journal of nanotechnology compiles nano-related papers in peer reviewed journals that do not specialize solely in nanotechnology.
  • ICON Virtual Journal of Nanotechnology Environment, Health and Safety compiles papers in peer-reviewed journals that address EHS issues in nanotechnology.
  • ICON serves as an aggregator for news and research related to nanotechnology environment, health and safety.
  • International Council on Nanotechnology (ICON) a multi-stakeholder group dedicated to the safe, responsible and beneficial development of nanotechnology.
  • Handbook of Theoretical and Computational Nanotechnology, 10-Volume Set.
  • Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 10-Volume Set.
  • These are only accessible for subscribers (which is one reason this Wikibook on Nanotechnology was started): Internet Resources Handbooks and Encyclopedias
  • 4.9 Non-nanotech products and a warning.
  • 4.8 Products that have been nanostructured for decades.
  • 4.7 Companies making nanotech research equipment.

  • Quantumwise software